Lo and Mo
Yesterday was 65 and sunny. Contrary to belief, Los Angeles is not always so; I'm pretty sure it has rained every weekend for the past month. Not feeling quite right about having to sit in an apt with my newly washed canine, I called up my friend Ashley, grabbed my longboard and head out to Venice Beach. Most of my close friends are familiar with hobbies. Cycling, skateboarding and photography tend to be topics of conversations when in Venice. I find it particularly easy to talk about cycling, skateboarding and photography while in Venice because that usually means we've been hanging out at the beer garden or taking shots of tequila on the outside deck of The Whaler. Needless to say, both liquids spark my excitement for these hobbies.
Bicycles and skateboards are wonderful means of transportation. You save money on gas, lower your carbon footprint, and have an opportunity to more closely discover streets. My bike's name is red. My board's name is Mo (short for Sector 9 Mokase). I am undeniably almost always equipped with a camera or two. Can't say I enjoy being in pictures, but I certainly enjoy taking them. Every time we skate, cycle or walk by a wall covered in what others would call "just graffiti", I say, "Check out the art!"
Guess what. Sometimes girl friends are better at putting two and two together for you. Lo and behold, the conception of "Lo and Mo", my new blog dedicated solely to my photos of street art discovered while skating or cycling around. I'm still working out some kinks before I start uploading more photos.
Check it out and let me know what you think :-)

Monday, April 11, 2011
by La. Vu
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