WORK HARD, PLAY HARD is my motto. After working 12 hours days every day this week, I'm excited to enjoy this weekend (and the beautiful weather) to the absolute fullest!
Friday: Play date with the lovely Ervina. She's dragging me out to a swanky Hollywood spot where we can dance the night away with close friends.
Saturday: 4.5 HOUR hike. Bridge to Nowhere. I've never been, but heard the trek is beautiful and quite challenging as the trailheads aren't always apparent and getting lost is an expectation bound to be met. After that, E and I will ehad over to the Los Angeles Art Show to satisfy our artistic appetites. I plan on completly immersing myself into the creativesphere. Hopefully I'll get more shots on film.
Sunday: Time to hit the waters baby! Lobster hunting/spearfishing/sailing. Point Dume in Malibu.
Will I be in trouble if I don't show up to work on Monday?
Full steam ahead! For the weekend

Friday, January 21, 2011
by La. Vu
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