“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.”
2. It is almost impossible to find people who will love you no matter what. So when you find someone who does, hold on to them and give them the same.
3. Extended vacations in foreign countries really are tests of any relationship (family, friends, lovers). You must hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.
4. Your current crises are only temporary. And usually not as bad as you think.
5. The food doesn't always taste better in Italy. I'm just saying.
6. Meditation and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are the best ways to get over a break up. Turning to booze won't make you feel better unless you pop a multivitamin pill before you go to sleep to avoid a hangover (yes this actually works).
7. Laughter is the best healing agent.
8. It is perfectly okay to forget and NOT think for a few seconds or minutes. But get back to reality and "flip the switch".
9. It's okay to run away, as long as you come back soon.
10. Don't try so hard to make yourself happy. There is no need to force the feeling of content upon yourself, but do everything you can to put yourself in a better place.